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Facial skin is supported by underlying collagen and elastin, which diminish with age, causing fine lines and wrinkles to appear. Intense pulse light stimulates the body’s own natural processes to form new collagen and elastin.
The treatment can improve skin tone and texture, lift and hydrate skin and even out pigmentation. It makes skin firmer and smoother, reducing lines and wrinkles. It can be used on the face, neck and chest as well as other areas which have been exposed to sun, such as the hands.
Skin that has already been heavily damaged by over-exposure to sun won’t benefit from this treatment, which is most helpful to skins showing early signs of lines and wrinkles.
The initial effect is a clearer, brighter complexion which improves with subsequent treatments.
The effects of this light source as a skin enhancer were discovered through its use in hospital dermatology and oncology departments. It has been used for more than 10 years in hospitals with no side-effects. The treatment is unsuitable for anyone who suffers from epilepsy or porphyria. Avoid exposure to the sun for 24-48 hours after treatment and use sunscreen and moisturisers.