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The Power of your own Collagen to create a youthful YOU!
​PRF (Platelet-rich fibrin) is a revolutionary new treatment and a second-generation of PRP therapy. PRF has a higher concentration of platelets, fibrin, and white blood cells.PRF promotes better healing from within your own body, because it is made from your own blood.

Reasons for PRF treatment
Platelet rich fibrin application is now becoming more popular and is widely used.PRF is completely safe, as the blood used will come from your own body, disease transmission is not a factor. Almost all patients report a much greater degree of comfort immediately after their procedure. There are several advantages of PRF:
Lower Infection Risk.
Accelerated Healing.
Safety and Convenience.
Benefits of PRF Treatment
Reduction of facial wrinkles and ageing skin.
Improves dry or oily facial skin.
Stimulates hair growth (Scalp and Eyebrows).
Reduces skin scars caused by acne.
PRF Facial Glow £250
PRF Face: £199
PRF Neck Lift: £180
PRF Under-Eye Treatment £180
PRF Acne Treatment £199
PRF Eye Brow Treatment £150
PRF Hair Growth Treatment £225
PRF Lips Treatment £225
Dark Eye Circle £180

As we age we lose volume in our face, under our eyes, in our cheeks and around our mouths. This is due to loss of collagen and elastin. To stimulate collagen production, tighten loose skin and add volume back to the face there are non-surgical options, including dermal fillers, thread lifts, lasers and platelet rich plasma (PRP) and platelet rich fibrin (PRF).
Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) is a new, all-natural solution that can treat common areas that show the first signs of ageing and hair loss. The first changes after PRF treatment is seen within couple of weeks, the maximum effect is reached in about six to eight weeks.
The PRF products are spun at a lower speed so that the layers of the blood do not separate out as distinctly. This allows some of the white blood cells and stem cells to remain within the platelet layer that is collected for treatment. Thus, there are more healing factors within PRF than is typically seen in PRP. In addition, the lower spin speed causes less trauma to the individual cells of the blood, allowing more stem cells to remain in the final PRF product.
The Procedure
The doctor will initially assess if you’re a candidate for PRF treatment. Patients with blood clotting disorders will be unable to take advantage of this treatment. A sample of your blood will be collected. The blood is spun at a lower speed so that the layers of the blood do not separate out as distinctly. This allows some of the white blood cells and stem cells to remain within the platelet layer that is collected for treatment. Thus, there are more healing factors within PRF than is typically seen in PRP. In addition, the lower spin speed causes less trauma to the individual cells of the blood, allowing more stem cells to remain in the final PRF product.
PRF can be injected or used after micro- needling into the face – under eyes, forehead lines, crow’s feet, lip lines, laugh lines, cheeks and marionette lines. It is also injected into the scalp and eyebrows to stimulate hair growth.
How long do the results last?
​PRF is performed in a series of three or four treatments, spaced six to eight weeks apart. Long-term effects, such as skin tightening, collagen production and enhanced skin quality, may take up to three to four months to be noticed and can last from six to 12 months. The visibility of expected benefits and results of the PRF treatment is typically seen after six weeks from initial treatment.